Sunday, September 15, 2013

Surviving High School (dances)

Okay I'll admit it, I only got asked by a boy to one dance during high school. But I went to a total of five high school dances meaning I asked boys to four of them. Sue me. Yet, I sent many friends off to dances and I experienced some for my own and I wish someone would have told me what to expect and how to survive them.

Since Homecoming is right around the corner, I figured I should probably talk about the formal high school dances. Things to bring, what to wear (dress, hair, makeup, etc.), what to do & how to act before and after the dance, etc.

Firstly. What to do and how to act before the big day. 
1.  Getting asked to a dance is a really exciting thing. Your heart races each time you hear your doorbell rings, you get excited if someone walks into your classroom unexpectedly, you never know when, where, or how you'll get asked. My first (and only) boy's choice dance, I was asked in pretty much the cutest way possible. Here's a link of it: Senior Ball.

2.   Answering the boy back! There are tons of creative and fun ways to answer a boy back to dances. My friends and I were asked in a group to this particular dance and so we made a sick nasty music video to answer them. Watch it if you would like to be amazed. Senior Ball.
      If you feel you are not swaggy enough to do that however, the best way to answer a boy back is with FOOD. The boy wants you to say yes and they want you to say it with food. It might be fun to trash their room or car, but no one wants to clean up a huge mess. Some cute ways to answer are:
  • Ordering a pizza to be sent to their house with a note that says, "I know this is cheesy... but I would love to go to homecoming with you!"
  • Dropping a box of a dozen donuts on their doorstep with a note on the top of the box that says, "I don't think I can say yes...." then when they open the box, have another note on the top inside that says, "Just once!" write on 12 pieces of paper the word yes to put on each individual donut!
  • Something more simple like, "I'd love to go with you cupcake!" and give them cupcakes. 
  • If they're a soda guy, get some 2 liter bottles of Mountain Dew with a note that says, "I 'DEW' want to go with you!"
  • Get pounds upon pounds of the fruit dates and throw them at the boys face and say, "Sounds like a date!" Okay, just kidding, don't do that although it would be funny. 
3.   Once you two are officially going to the dance together, it's easy to feel awkward or nervous when you first see your date after the asking and answering process. But don't because there is absolutely no reason to! The boy was most likely a little nervous to put himself out there to ask you, so make him feel comfortable and at ease! Talk to his friends about how excited and happy you are to be going with him, talk to him about your dress and how good yall are going to look together. Fun thing to do: each time you see him call him your "Homecoming Date 2013". It's weird but my friends and I would always do that to our dates and it would lighten the mood as the big day approached.

Secondly. What to wear (most importantly - buying the dress)

1.  It's important to start looking for a dress as soon as you get asked so you can find one you really love before someone else gets to it! You also need to think about your skin tone and hair - and how to dress for that. Below are a few charts I've put together to help you out.


2.  After finding the perfect dress, decide how you're going to style your hair and makeup. Make sure you do this and then actually practice it a few days before the dance. With this strategy, the day of the dance you won't be in a panic if the hairstyle or makeup technique you thought would look amazing doesn't.

3.  Shoes! Just because those 5 inch stilettos make your legs look SO hot, doesn't mean you should feel the need to wear them for a high school dance. Stick to shoes you know you'll not only feel comfortable in, but feel good in. You also need to take into consideration how tall your date is. You don't want to overpower him! As cute as Hillary Duff looks in her pink converse and ball gown dress for the poster for A Cinderella Story, this is a formal dance and you need to dress accordingly! I've put together some cute shoe options for any formal dress. The heel heights differentiate and the type of shoe you think you can handle / wear, all depends on you!

Thirdly. What to bring the day of. 
 1. You're going to need to bring a small bag / clutch to fit all your needs! Bring some mints, extra eyeliner, lip gloss, some cash (just in case), a small thing of body spray for when you want to freshen up a little after getting all gross from the dance, deodorant, and a small comb to fix up your hair! Now I know what you're thinking, how on earth am I going to fit all of this in my small clutch? It's a good idea to coordinate with some other girls in your group and decide who should bring what.

Fourth(ly?). What to do and how to act after the dance. 
1.  So your group is leaving the dance, you had an overall good day because you let loose and were yourself and yolo'd it up! Sometimes groups will hang out afterwards and play games (truth or dare hehe), go get ice cream, etc. And then comes the drop off. If you've never been to a dance, don't stress it's not scary. You just walk up to the door with your date, DON'T SHAKE HANDS - because that is extremely lame. Give him a quick hug and be gone! If he wants more than that, and you don't, let him know. The most important part is that you thank him for asking you, tell him that you had a fun time (even if you didn't), and the second you get home, run to your room and collapse on your bed! 

Dances are a fun part of high school, and a nice break from going to school. The most important thing is to be nice to your date, dress in a way that will make both you and your date feel comfortable, and have the funnest time you can! 

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